Guest Posts And Contributions
Boat Renovation People are looking to build a community of the finest, boat renovators, restorers and builders, this world has to offer. This means we need fresh guest posts from the finest minds in the boating arena. If you are a Vlogger or blogger and have a passion for the marine industry then we can help drive traffic to your Youtube channel, blog or patreon page. All we need in exchange is a high-quality guest post.
What We Are Looking For
- Are you a vlogger? Simply post your videos on our website with an informative and original description. The more written information the more chance we have of driving traffic to your channel. Just make sure you list your videos in the correct category and we’ll do the rest of the work! Google loves fresh content so you need to offer something more than just your video. Try to add as much detail as possible about what’s taking place in it.
- Are you a blogger? There’s nothing we love more than interesting, informative and original content. Why not write a product review, a tutorial, a short post about a day trip sailing – the possibilities are endless.
What We Offer
- You can link your Youtube channel, pateron page, or blog in the articles or videos you post on our platform. Quite simply you scratch our back we scratch yours!
- If you write a detailed article or post a video that really appeals to us – we may link it with a featured banner from our front page.
- All articles and videos get an indefinite rotation on our front page. This is because popular article thumbnails are rotated on our front page for all site visitors to see. This counter is reset every day giving everyone a fair chance for the spotlight!
- We will share your content to our social media pages – Facebook, Pinterest, Instagram, Twitter, LinkedIn.
- You can use us as an add on – do you want to start approaching marine companies to sponsor your content? We don’t blame you. Use our website as a selling point, we are happy to allow you to add links to products or relevant websites within reason. As long as the content you are adding is relevant to our audience and original – we are game!
- A high-quality backlink from a website that is continuously growing and relevant to your niche.
- Professionals from all over the world are continuously viewing and contacting us. There are opportunities around every corner if you’re providing us with content you are first on the list. We were once contacted by ITV3 when they were looking for boat renovators to feature in their TV program “£10k Holiday Home”. Needless to say, we soon put them in touch with our favourites and they have since been featured on the program.
- Your articles will go out to 1.6k people who subscribed to our push notifications, this number is increasing every day.
- We are looking to work with some of the biggest brands in the world make sure you’re in the right places at the right time.
- The more content you add the more traffic you receive it’s that simple.
Our Terms
- Your guest post must be original, we will check and anyone found to be using text that has already been published will be removed and shamefully banished from the boatymcboat realm forever. Re-using images and video content is fine.
- We will own the rights to any written content published on the website. We are happy to send traffic, fans and companies in your way but in order for our platform to work, we need to own the rights to the text you publish. We will not, however, claim any ownership over videos or vlogs.
- You must make every effort to check your grammar.
- Don’t publish – we’ll want to check every post before it’s published. We will then publish it at the best time to do so. Only save posts as drafts pending reviews.
- Make it funny, make it original – make it awesome.
Contact – [email protected]