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  • #6044

      Evening folks… Well ummm I don’t think there’s going to be much happening for a bit! To top it off my work have announced redundancies set to happen in the next week or two so project funds may dry up rather suddenly!
      I’ve got a few low budget and socially distant projects in mind to keep things ticking over, including ripping the guts out of the ancient magnetic autopilot that came with the boat and fitting a raspberry pi to run pypilot this will integrate fully with the open cpn chartplotter and give all the features of the top end electronics for a fraction of the price.

      In other news I got to practice with the paint system I plan to use for Merganser on the clubs committee boat, it’ll be less orange of course but it was excellent to have a chance to work out some kinks before doing it on my old girl where the finish will be a more important factor as the transom ended up a bit fuzzy. Marc’s top tip: fluffy rollers shed, the wrong foam rollers melt… Buy the right rollers for the paint system!

      Cheers all, Stay safe folks

      • This topic was modified 4 years, 7 months ago by Marc.
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