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  • #6050

      Lockdown project week 1:
      Whilst waiting for the Pi and arduinos I’m cracking on with the hardware for my wifi Autohelm 800 to pypilot conversion. I’m using a pololu SMC G2 to handle the motor control which has all the endstop, current sensing and various other things on board and configurable via serial and USB. This does mean my pilot won’t have a stand alone mode but as in my sailing area sailing without a depth Sounder isn’t ideal, I’ll have the openplotter running any time we’re sailing as it’ll also be handling the electric drive management and displays.
      First step was to remove the old redundant electronics, then 3d print the parts required for the hardware endstops (yes I did totally crash the carriage into one of them and I understand the irony of that) the next steps are to refine the 3d printed parts and then design some way of covering up the old button holes.

      • This topic was modified 4 years, 7 months ago by Marc.

        Pypilot stage 1… Hacking this 30A brushless motor speed controller to run a brushed motor in forward and reverse. How hard can it be?

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