• This topic has 0 replies, 1 voice, and was last updated 4 years ago by Marc.
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  • #5871

      Evening all, Update time 🙂 Nothing significant has happened with the actual build this weekend. I did measure and cut the last bit of the new core for the bulkhead move and that’s about it until the epoxy fairy comes in the week.
      We took the tempest out sailing for the first time this season along with the test battery for Merganser and we’ve started pulling in some very promising data regarding it’s on load characteristics, after motoring on full power for approximately 2 hours over 2 sessions the voltage was down to 12.4v (approx 94%) I’ve not crunched the numbers yet but we should eventually be able to extrapolate the data from different states of charge on the single battery 0.6Kw motor on to the manufacturers claims then adjust for Mergansers proposed 48v 200Ah bank with the 8Kw motor. In theory Merganser should be significantly more efficient as the prop will be matched to cruise speed and the motors most efficient RPM. Also I had a good on the boat chat with someone who knows significantly more about structural loads and stress distribution than I do and he gave me some excellent pointers for the progressing build, nice to know I’m roughly on the right track for what I want the boat to be capable of.
      That’s all for now

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